Stjórnstöð Nedis Zigbee Gateway WiFi AC plug

Framleiðandi: Nedis
Framl.númer: WIFIZBT10CWT
Vörunúmer: 11346

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Með þessum snjallhub tengist þú beint inná þráðlausa netið án þess að þurfa neina netkapla.
Þú einfaldlega setur upp Nedis
® SmartLife hugbúnaðinn og getur þar með tengst allt að 50 Nedis® Zigbee framleiðslu í gegnum eitt hlið.
Sérhver eining mun koma upp í SmartLife hugbúnaðinum og virkar eins og beintengd við þráðlausa netið.

Frí heimsending á pöntunum yfir 5000 kr
Verð: 4.990 kr
Zigbee Gateway. 50 Devices, Mains Powered, Android™ / IOS

• Plug-in design for maximum ease of use
• Connect up to 50 Zigbee products to a single gateway
• Remotely control Bluetooth® products
• Zigbee supports instant communication with minimal battery usage
• Integrate this gateway into the SmartLife app to combine Nedis® Zigbee products to any SmartLife product
Product description
This Nedis® gateway connects directly to your Wi-Fi, so no ethernet cable is required. Simply install it into your Nedis® SmartLife application and you can connect up to 50 Nedis® Zigbee products from a single gateway.
In addition, you can access Nedis® SmartLife Bluetooth products (such as the LED strip, water valve or key finder) from wherever you are, as long as the product is within Bluetooth® range of this gateway.
Each connected product will appear in the SmartLife application and can be included in automations as if it is directly connected to Wi-Fi. (Please note that when using multiple Bluetooth® products that don’t support Bluetooth Mesh, there can be a slight delay as there can only be 2 Bluetooth® connections at the same time.)
Zigbee is an alternative protocol to Wi-Fi that offers a significantly lower power consumption. This enables small wireless sensors to remain functional up to multiple years on a single battery.

Package contents
Instruction manual

Product specifications
Width 56 mm
Height 56 mm
Depth 59 mm
Weight 55 grams
Colour White
Supported wireless technology Bluetooth®
Zigbee 3.0
Power source type Mains Powered
Material Plastic
Compatible with Nedis® SmartLife    
Maximum transmit antenna gain     1 dBi
Maximum transmit power 18 dBm
App available for Android™
Transmit frequency range 2400 - 2484 MHz
Device power input connection(s)     Euro
Input voltage 100 - 240 V AC
Number of Products in Package 1 pcs
Operating temperature range -10°C - +50 °C
Input current 0.01 Amper
Number of devices 50 devices
SmartLife 1

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