Raspberry Pi4 4GB með sambyggðu lyklaborði (DE)

Framleiðandi: Raspberry
Framl.númer: SC0374
Vörunúmer: 10717

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Raspberry Pi 400 kemur með innbyggðu lyklaborði. Hún er með 4ra kjarna örgjörva, þráðlausu neti, gerð fyrir tvo skjái og 4K video afspilun.

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Verð: 23.990 kr

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Raspberry Pi 400 Computer Only German Keyboard Layout
Product Details
Raspberry Pi 400 Computer Only (DE)
The Raspberry Pi 400 is a PC that has been built into a keyboard that delivers outstanding performance. Its portable, light and super easy to use with some amazing capabilties. Featuring a quad-core 64-bit processor, wireless networking, dual-display output and 4K video playback.

The Raspberry Pi 400 requires USB-C power with a number of connector ports that include Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 as well as 2 x micro HDMI. It is also equipped with wireless LAN and Bluetooth connectivity.

It is ideal for surfing the web, creating and editing documents, watching videos, and learning to program using the Raspberry Pi OS desktop environment.

Raspberry Pi 400 is available in a number of different regional variants and as either a computer kit, containing everything you need to get started (except for a TV or monitor), or a computer unit only. This is the computer unit only.
Features and Benefits
It’s a complete PC in a keyboard - just plug in and play
Saves space
Take it anywhere
Wireless and wired connectivity options
Excellent value for money
Getting Started with your Raspberry Pi 402
Raspberry Pi 400
USB-C based power supply
MicroSD card with a suitable operating system e.g Raspberry Pi OS

Raspberry Pi Version
Product Name
Raspberry Pi 400 Computer Only German Keyboard Layout    
Processor Part Number    
RAM Size
4 GB

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